Here players will find Darkrai and have the chance to capture it. The only way to get one is to trade for it right now unless GameFreak decides.
Pokemon Black 2 White 2 Walkthrough Catching Darkrai Hidden Grotto Secret Legendary Spoof Youtube
Beating Darkrai in Pokémon Legends.

. As you can see in IGNs exclusive Darkrai showcase video above the monster comes knowing the move. Its luminance guides and protects all Pokémon. However Darkrai is available through events and you can also obtainable in trades.
The Pitch-Black Pokemon arrives at level 50 and will be available from now until June 10. New areas can be found on various routes. Your best bet is to use an Action Replay to get the event item which will give you access to the island where you can catch him.
Specifically players of the games. Once you have gotten the lunar wing head to the marvolous bridge and catch cresselia. After sleeping in the bed the player will wake up to a dairy in the room.
After having cresselia in your party head over to the giant chasm. It may not feel on the level but for all intents and purposes the. Selected May 9 2015 by Pakemans123456789.
You get Zekrom if you get Pokémon Black 2 and Reshiram if you get Pokémon White 2. If you try to catch a trainers Pokemon the trainer will block the Pokeball and youll lose what ever Pokeball you threw. In order to catch Darkrai players should attempt to engage it in battle.
The only way to legally get Darkrai in BW 2 is to trade with someone who have it in person. Starting April 1 players can obtain the Members Card key item via the in-game Mystery Gift feature which is required to eventually battle Darkrai. If you head straight you see a hidden grottoenter this and walk up to the center.
Gameboy GameCube SNES NES. To successfully catch Darkrai players need to sneak around and hide behind boulders until Darkrai is facing the opposite direction then throw an Ultra Ball. What is the best pokéball to catch Darkrai with.
Xbox Series X Xbox One Xbox 360 Xbox. Level Ball If your active pokémons level is more than double but less than four times greater than this pokémons level. Level Ball If your active pokémons level is more than double but less than four times greater than this pokémons level.
Trainers can reach this area quickly by fast-traveling to the Mountain Camp and following the path immediately to the left until they reach a small hollow at the base of the cliff. Skip to 202 to see Bad DreamsApparently i was flooded with requests to this videoThis Darkrai is a Special Attacker if used wisely it could sweep the whole. Reading it will reveal the location of Darkrai.
Roblox iPhone Android PC FaceBook Mac Dreamcast Arcade. Hope you enjoy the vid and i hope that it helps you in the futureplease subscribe for more and check out our guide for catching shiny pokemon. This is the location where players can catch Darkrai in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Only Wild Pokemon can be caught. Heres more info on darkrai if you want it. And that strategy works despite how impractical it is.
Darkrai will show itself once the trainer enters the hollow but this sinister-looking Pokémon wont be easily caught. Fast Ball Timer Ball If 30 or more turns have passed in battle. Beat the Elite 4 and Champion.
Get the game which corresponds to the legendary you want. Return to Victory Road and go through it until you encounter a random Zoroark. Now head over to the sailor on the western side of Canalava City and he will take the player to Darkrais location.
Nest Ball If Darkrais level is 1 or lower. When accessing Mystery Gift players should opt. In order to get a darkrai you must have the lunar wing The lunar wing can be found in the spooky house.
Switch Wii Wii U 3 DS Nintendo DS Nintendo 64 Gameboy Adv. PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 PlayStation PS Vita PSP. You have to beat this part of the game before you can catch Zekrom and Reshiram.
Answered May 8 2015 by Flafpert. Lel Flaf your description of hopelessness gets to me man. This requires somewhat precise timing and fans should throw their Pokemon at Darkrai as soon as it starts to scream to.
Darkrai is not catchable in this game or this Generation for that matter. Fast Ball Timer Ball If 30 or more turns have passed in battle. This Pokemon cannot lose its held item due to another Pokemons attack.
Upon arriving on the island make sure to save before interacting with Darkrai. Nest Ball If Darkrais level is 1 or lower. Darkrai is impossible to catch in any main Pokemon games without hacking or glitches and this includes black 2.
The Rise of Darkrai. The boulders can also protect against some attacks but its better not to stand still when Darkrai is on the offensive. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearls 130 update has brought two huge opportunities for trainers.
Commented May 8 2015 by Emty. Step 1 Beat the Elite 4 ChampionStep 2 Go to a Nintendo Event for Darkrai or the Members PassStep 3 Fly to Canalave City if you got the Members Pass.
Darkrai Rises In Pokemon Black And White Ign
How Where To Catch Get Legit Darkrai In Pokemon Black 2 Pokemon White 2 Youtube